You are welcome here. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we welcome you with open hearts. Jesus tells us that our highest priorities should be to love God and to love our neighbour. Everything we believe as a church flows from that love. We invite you “Come and See” John 1: 39
Our parish is part of the Church of Ireland Dioceses of Meath and Kildare and is part of the Anglican Community of worldwide churches. Traditionally many of our members have grown up in the Church of Ireland but increasingly our parish is home to a wonderfully diverse people.
We are proud of our build heritage - the oldest church in our Union dates to the 12th Century. We cherish our traditions but seek to be relevant in the modern world.
We seek to enrich our lives and that of our parish and community through worship and by giving our time and talents as volunteers.
Our four churches located in Tullamore, Clara, Tyrrellspass and Rahan offer regular Sunday worship. For current arrangements, check our Facebook page
The services are led by members of our ministry team under the guidance of our Rector as they seek to fulfil our motto “A Church for All”
Our Church in Tullamore has been linked by a path and roadway to our purpose-built parish and community centre, the Charleville Centre. This was developed in 2012. Here parishioners – young, old and in-between - enjoy their respective clubs while diverse community organisations meet in its various rooms. The Charleville National School is just across the road.
You are most welcome to “Come and See”.